We wanted to notify everyone of our next membership meeting. We have been making strides as an organization and are preparing for legal action against Micron. The focus of this meeting will be to provide an update of the organization’s correspondence with Micron, share thoughts from our legal representatives, and answer any questions you may have. Please note the meeting details below:
Meeting Date / Time: Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Arrive at 6:30 PM.
Meeting Location: Arid Club Boise (1137 W River St, Boise, ID 83702)
Zoom Link: LINK
Doors open at 6PM. Hors D'oeuvres will be served!!
Pledge of Allegiance
State purpose
You can’t comply your way out of tyranny
Organization Structure
Identifying what help we need with respect to the organization
Treasurer’s Report
Update for all in attendance of what we have done so far
Demand letter
Website - Discuss data points
Secondary letter
Pre-Press release
Legal action to follow
Address Membership
Attendee Input - Field questions or concerns
Adjourn the meeting
We look forward to seeing you there. Please share with anyone who may benefit from attending.
Micron Employees for Religious Freedom